Подводные специальные кабели
Промышленный роботизированный кабель
Наматывание кабеля
Кабели для обнаружения и контрольно-измерительных приборов
Новости отрасли
07. 08, 2024
Оптимизированное применение гибких буксирных тросовых систем в портовом крановом оборудовании.
В связи с бурным развитием портового оборудования гибкие буксирные кабельные системы как уникальный метод мобильного энергосна
07. 04, 2024
How to choose a high-quality industrial robot cable
With the needs of economic development, robot cables are becoming more and more targeted, so it is not that easy to choose the product that suits you among many
07. 03, 2024
Suitable for the "big family" of large mechanical reeing cables in ports, there is always one you want
Derul reel cables are suitable for large machinery. Reel cables are mainly suitable for large mobile equipment, such as fast-running container cranes, lifting equipment, large equipment and excavators, ground and underground mining and other occasions with high mechanical stress.
01. 23, 2024
An Analysis on the Current Condition of China's Special Cable Industry
China's special cable industry has been a pivotal component of the nation's economic development, providing essential infrastructure for various sectors such as energy, telecommunications, transportation, and manufacturing.
Supply of robot cables | highly flexible and anti-torsion robot arm cables
Supply of port lifting equipment drum cables | container crane drum cables
ROV underwater cable manufacturer | underwater robot cable supplier
Supply trvv highly flexible drag chain cable pur/pvc with bending resistance of 15 million times
Supply Cable Storage Basket Spreader Cable - China Manufacturers and Suppliers
Marine comprehensive high-quality umbilical cable-Shanghai Derul Cable Manufacturer and Supplier
Waterproof cable | Underwater cable - (seawater resistance and corrosion resistance) Shanghai Derul Cable
ROV zero buoyancy cable | multi-core single mode fiber plus power cord - Derul Cable
Derul 4-Core Double Sheath Reeling Cable
ROV underwater cable-floating cable-underwater robot cable | China Deru brand supplier
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Ватсап: +86 159 6846 3797
Электронная почта: sales@derulkable.com
Добавлять.:No.236, Fenggao Road, район Фэнсянь, Шанхай, Китай